Supporting Actors


What are Supporting Actors?

In Dado, Supporting Actors are people who will participate in an experience but aren't the main person in that experience. For instance, the 'main person' in the Offboarding is the departing employee, who is referred to as the Participant. But also involved in an Offboarding are people like the employee's manager, the payroll team, the relevant HRBP, and the IT team. All of these people can be Supporting Actors in Dado.

Just like the Participant, Supporting Actors can receive Messages, be assigned Tasks, and be included in what is done by Automations.

Different types of Supporting Actors

You can create four types of Supporting Actors in Dado.

Referenced in an employee's profile

This is the type you'd use for an employee's manager – but it's suitable for any situation where the Supporting Actor is different for each Participants.

These supporting actors rely on a data field on the employee's profile, where this info is stored.

Specific user

This type is great when there is one consistent person or team who should receive messages or perform tasks for all participants – for instance:

  • The IT team, who will provision and deprovision equipment for new hires and departing team members
  • The CEO, who would like to be informed when any employee is being offboarded
  • The office manager, who will create the access badge for any non-remote new hire
  • The trainer in a particular training program

For this type of supporting actor, the individual or team you wish to choose must already be a user in Dado. If they aren't, then please contact your customer support team to get them added.

Assigned by subtask

This is the type to use whenever a supporting actor is not known at the beginning of a participant's experience. For instance:

  • The onboarding buddy for a new hire, who is selected by their Manager shortly before their first day at work
  • The mentor for someone who's joined a mentorship program

If you set up a Supporting Actor of this kind, don't forget to also make the task to assign them! Find out more about "Assign Supporting Actor" sub-tasks here.

Based on rules

For this type of Supporting Actor, you can define a set of rules about which individual should be assigned for each participant.

For instance, you could set up an HRBP Supporting Actor where the right person is assigned based on the Participant department. Or a different Office Manager depending on the participant's location.

Slack Channel

This Supporting Actor is a particular channel in your organization's Slack account. Please note that only Messages can be sent to Slack channels – not tasks.

Creating a new Supporting Actor

The way to create a Supporting Actor varies slightly depending on what kind of Supporting Actor you want to create. See above for a guide to these different types

Type: Referenced in an employee's profile

Step 1: Make sure you have a data field on the user profile for this supporting actor

  • First, head to Settings -> Data Fields
  • On the top right, click "Add Field"
  • In the Data Type dropdown, select "User Relationship"
  • Next enter a Label
    • This is usually the name of the role you want to create e.g. Buddy, Manager, Skip-Level, etc
    • Note: the Data Key will be filled automatically based on the label you entered
  • Optionally, enter a Description explaining what this new custom field will be used for
  • Under Identified by, choose how you'd like to identify the Supporting Actor
    • For most cases you should choose "Email"
  • Click "Add" to save the Field

Step 2: Create the Supporting Actor

  • Now go to your Experience and click Edit on the top right of the Overview screen. Navigate to the Timeline step in the left navigation.
  • Above the timeline, you'll see a list of Supporting Actors. Click the "Manage" link in this section

  • This will open a side-bar where you see a list of existing Supporting Actors and the option to add a new one. Click this link.

  • This will open a new window where you can add the details of your new actor:
    • In Supporting actor type, select 'Referenced in each participant's profile'
    • Enter a Title, e.g. "Manager"
    • Under ID in user data select the data field where this Supporting Actor is identified
    • Now decide whether this Supporting Actor should be Optional or not.
      • Mark Supporting Actors as optional if they're not essential to the smooth running of your experience; or you know already that not every participant in the experience will have one of these people assigned.
      • Whenever an experience starts and a non-optional Supporting Actor hasn't been assigned, you'll be notified in the Issues Bar.
  • Click "Add supporting actor". 
  • You're done! The Supporting Actor is now shown above the timeline and can be assigned tasks.

Type: A specific person for all participants

  • Go to your Experience and click Edit on the top right of the Overview screen. Navigate to the Timeline step in the left navigation.
  • Above the timeline, you'll see a list of Supporting Actors. Click the "Manage" link in this section

  • This will open a side-bar where you see a list of existing Supporting Actors and the option to add a new one. Click this link.

  • This will open a new window where you can add the details of your new actor:
    • In Supporting actor type, select 'A specific person for all participants'
    • Enter a Title, e.g. "IT Team"
    • Under User select the person or team who should be assigned to this role for every Participant

If the user you want to assign does not exist, you will need to import them into Dado. If you need support with this, your Customer Success Manager will help you.

  • Click "Add supporting actor". 
  • You're done! The Supporting Actor is now shown above the timeline and can be assigned tasks.

Type: Assigned by sub-task

  • Now go to your Experience and click Edit on the top right of the Overview screen. Navigate to the Timeline step in the left navigation.
  • Above the timeline, you'll see a list of Supporting Actors. Click the "Manage" link in this section

  • This will open a side-bar where you see a list of existing Supporting Actors and the option to add a new one. Click this link.

  • This will open a new window where you can add the details of your new actor:
    • In Supporting actor type, select 'Assigned by subtask'
    • Enter a Title, e.g. "Buddy"
  • Click "Add supporting actor". 
  • You're done! The Supporting Actor is now shown above the timeline and can be assigned tasks.

Don't forget to set up a sub-task to assign this Supporting Actor! Find instructions here.

Type: Based on rules

  • Go to your Experience and click Edit on the top right of the Overview screen. Navigate to the Timeline step in the left navigation.
  • Above the timeline, you'll see a list of Supporting Actors. Click the "Manage" link in this section

  • This will open a side-bar where you see a list of existing Supporting Actors and the option to add a new one. Click this link.

  • This will open a new window where you can add the details of your new actor:
    • Enter a Title, e.g. "Buddy"
    • In Supporting actor type, select 'Based on rules'
  • You can now define one or a series of rules to determine who gets assigned to each Participant
    • For instance, you can assign different people based on Participant location, or department, or seniority level
    • You'll also need to choose a Default – the person who is assigned if none of the rules you've defined match.
  • Once you're happy with your rules and the selection of your Default, click "Add supporting actor"
  • You're done! The Supporting Actor is now shown above the timeline and can be assigned tasks.

Type: Slack Channel

  • Go to your Experience and click Edit on the top right of the Overview screen. Navigate to the Timeline step in the left navigation.
  • Above the timeline, you'll see a list of Supporting Actors. Click the "Manage" link in this section

  • This will open a side-bar where you see a list of existing Supporting Actors and the option to add a new one. Click this link.

  • This will open a new window where you can add the details of your new actor:
    • In Supporting actor type, select 'Slack Channel
    • Enter a Title, e.g. the name of the channel
    • Under Channel select the channel where you want your messages sent.

If the channel you want does not appear in this dropdown, you need to add the Dado bot to that channel.

  • Click "Add supporting actor". 
  • You're done! The Supporting Actor is now shown above the timeline and can be assigned tasks.

Editing an existing Supporting Actor

It is possible to change who is assigned as a supporting actor in an individual experience. See instructions here.

It's not possible to edit a Supporting Actor after your Experience has been launched. This is to prevent unexpected side-effects, like the unwanted reassignment of Supporting Actors for participants whose experiences are already running.

If you need to make a change to a Supporting Actor set-up, please contact

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