Experience Creator: Launch Date

This is part of a series of articles explaining how to create an Experience, step by step. See the Creating an Experience overview for links to all articles.

In the Launch Date section of the Experience Creator you can set:

  • When the experience starts for each Participant
    • Please note: this is not the date that your experience will start enrolling participants
  • When the experience ends

Find more detail on both settings below.

Setting your experience start

You have 3 options to pick from:

Calendar Date

Use this option when you want to launch an Experience to all participants on a very specific date. For example, you can use this for experiences such as a Performance Management cycle that the whole company goes through together.

Before or after a milestone

Use this option when you have a milestone in an employee's journey that you want to anchor the Experience to, such as their starting date for an Onboarding Experience. By selecting this option you'll be able to add tasks both before and after the milestone.

After a Participant is enrolled

Use this to start an experience X days after a Participant is added to the Experience. Ideal for anything that happens on a case-by-case basis, like PIPs or New Manager Training. 

Setting your experience end

What do we mean by "experience end"? After all messages have been sent, automations have triggered and task deadlines have passed, the individual experience of each Participant is 'archived'. This means that any further changes to the overall experience will not be synced to this individual experience. For instance, if you add a new task at the end of the experience, it will not appear in any archived individual experiences.

Archiving older individual experiences means that you can continue to iterate upon and improve your experiences without worrying that your changes will suddenly send new content to participants who have long since finished their experiences.

By default, individual experiences end (AKA are archived) 14 days after the last timeline item finishes. This could be:

  • the last message is sent
  • the last automation triggers
  • the deadline of the last task passes

We suggest leaving this setting, except if you are building out your experience iteratively.

For instance: you start by creating the first two weeks of an experience which will ultimately be 2 months long. In this case, we would suggest that you make the archive timing long enough to cover the ultimate length of the experience, after you've finished building it out. 

So, in the case of a 2 months experience, you would set the archive date to be 60 days after the last timeline item.

Once you have finished creating the content of your experience, remember to return and amend this setting back to the default 14 days

Next step: select Participants for this Experience

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