Create a new Experience

To create a new Experience:
  1. From any screen in Dado, click Experiences in the top navigation.
  2. On the top right of the screen, click + New Experience to create a new experience

The Experience creation process is made up of multiple steps:

  • Basics: basic experience information such as title, contact and support details
  • Launch Date: when should the experience start for different Participants or groups
  • Participants: choose who should participate, either manually or via automatic filters
  • Timeline: create tasks and decide when they should be sent to Participants
  • Review and Launch: check over the selections made so far and, when you're ready, activate your Experience

 At every step you can either continue to the next step by clicking Save and proceed or you can click Save and exit to save your draft and come back later.

To read in detail about each part of the process, check out this step-by-step guide.

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