Change the start-date for just one Participant's Experience

It's possible to change a Participant's First Day at Work for one Experience only, without 

  • having to edit and import new user data from a file or your HRIS
  • affecting other Participants going through the same Experience

This is a great feature for temporary situations, e.g. a person's start-date changing, or them being on sick leave for part of an Experience and needing an extension.

How to change a Participant's start-date in one Experience

  1. Go to the Experience you wish to change, and Scroll down to the “Participants” list.
  2. Click the Participant whose manager you want to change.
  3. This opens a window showing this participant's individual experience. Any changes you make here will only affect this experience, for this Participant. It won't change anything in the permanent data Dado holds on this Participant.
  4. Click on the anchor date at the top right. For instance, in an onboarding Experience, this would be the employee's first day at work.
  5. Select your new date in the window that appears, then click "Update".
  6. You'll be given the option to also choose a new default start time for the experience. This will be the time that Tasks and Messages are sent, and Automations triggered – unless you've manually overridden these settings for a particular Task/Message/Automation. If you don't want to change this time, just leave what's there at the moment and click "Update"
  7. Click "Save" in the bottom right.
  8. Dado will automatically reschedule any upcoming Tasks, Messages or Automations to reflect this new start-date. Completed Tasks/Messages/Automations will not be moved. These changes will only happen for this one Participant. All other Participants' Experiences are unaffected.

Other changes to a Participant's Experience

It's also possible to make other changes that affect just one Participant:

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