How to create a new Moment


  1. Create or duplicate a new Moment
  2. Set a title
  3. Define the recipients
  4. Set the sender details
  5. Choose a send date and time
  6. Write a compelling subject line
  7. Create your content and customize it for each recipient
  8. Schedule your Moment

1. Create or duplicate a new Moment

You can either create a new Moment from scratch, or duplicate an existing Moment. Duplicating an existing moment will copy of all its contents, and the settings for who it sends to, from, the send date and the subject time.

To create a Moment from scratch:

  • navigate to the Moments section in the top nav, then click the "Create" button on the top right of the screen

To duplicate an existing Moment:

  • Either click the duplicate icon for the Moment you'd like to copy, on the page listing out all your Moments

2. Set a title

This title will only be visible to you, and other Admin users of the Dado platform. You will set the subject line that's seen by recipients later.

3. Define the recipients

Moments use Target Audiences to determine who will be sent the message. You can customize a different version of the message to be sent to each audience – for more about this, see the section below on customizing content.

A Target Audience is a group of employees defined by rules you specify. For instance, you can have a Target Audience for just one department, or one location – or group together multiple departments/locations. You have complete flexibility to define Audiences that work for you.

By default, a newly created Moment will be set to send to 'Everyone': this means every employee you've imported into Dado. You can check who this is by looking at your Users List.

To define a new Target Audience:

  • Click the blue 'Edit' link in the 'To' section
  • Click the blue 'Add New Audience' link
  • A side-bar will now appear, where you can name your audience, and define the rules that determine who will be a member of that Audience
  • For more help setting up Target Audiences, see this article

Target Audiences are mutually exclusive

That means each employee will only ever be included in ONE Target Audience. Bear this in mind when you're setting the rules for your Audiences.

The 'Everyone Else' Target Audience

When you set up your own Target Audiences, by default Dado adds an 'Everyone Else' Target Audience. This is a fall-back Audience; it includes every employee you've imported into Dado who doesn't fit into the other Audiences you've created.

If you don't want employees outside your custom Audiences to receive this moment, just delete the Everyone Else Audience.

4. Set the sender details

Moments will always be sent from a Dado email address. This is to ensure deliverability, and avoid triggering spam filters.

However, you can set the sender name that appears, and a 'reply to' email address, where any replies to your Moment will be sent. Be sure to set this 'reply to' address to an inbox that is regularly monitored – otherwise employees' messages risk being ignored!

5. Choose a send date and time

Decide when you'd like this Moment to send. Emails will be delivered starting from the time you set, so may arrive in some inboxes a few minutes after.

For now, it's only possible to set a send time in the default timezone for your organization. Sending Moments at the same time in each employee's timezone will be possible in the near future.

6. Write a compelling subject line

The right subject line has a huge impact on whether employees will open your email – and how quickly they do so!

7. Create your content and customize it for each recipient

Build the content for your Moment by dragging content blocks and/or subtasks from the right-hand column into the preview area.

Switch between your different Target Audiences in the tab bar to build the content for each Audience. For more about customizing content for different Audiences, see this help article.

You can also easily copy content from other Audiences, using the Copy Content dropdowns in the preview area and the right-hand column. Copy Content adds the extra content to what you already have, rather than replacing your existing content.

8. Schedule your Moment

Once you're happy with all your content and settings, hit the blue "Schedule" button in the top right.

Your Moment will now be queued to send on the date and time you've specified.

While the Moment is 'scheduled', you can't edit the content or settings. But you can easily 'revert to draft' by clicking the button in the top right of the Moment settings page, which will enable editing. Don't forget to hit Schedule again when you're done!

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