Automations: Jira Projects and Service Desks


Pre-requisites for using Jira Automations

To use Jira Actions in Automations, you should first connect your Jira account under Organization → Integrations. See the instructions in our Jira Integration help article.

Remember that the Jira user account you connect to Dado must have access to every Project and Service Desk in which you'd like to create tickets.

'Create issue' Action

The "Create issue" action is particularly useful to pass information or requests to external teams, such as IT or Facilities, without needing to log in to a different system or change existing processes. 

1. Select the right Project or Service Desk

Once you've dragged the Jira action to the main section, select the project or service desk where you want to create your issue from the dropdown. Remember, you can use Target Audiences to run particular actions only for some employees.

The only projects/service desks shown in this dropdown are those to which your Jira Integration User has access.
If you're not seeing the project/service desk you want here, request access to these projects/service desks in Jira, for your Jira Integration User (the Dado account used to set up the Jira integration; if you don't know which this is, contact support and we'll look it up for you).

2. Select the issue type

Once you have selected the project, Dado will automatically fill in any issue types associated with that project.

3. Fill out the rest of the required fields

Once you've selected an issue type, we'll show you the fields that are required to create that kind of issue. Only required fields are displayed here. You will need to enter something in each field to be able to save your action.

You can use Variables in any text fields. For a recap on variables, check out our variables help article

If you can't see a field here that you need, you will need to contact to request an update to your Jira integration.

4. Save your changes

Once you're done configuring your automation, click the "save" button on the top right of the modal. Then save your Experience too by clicking save in the bottom right of the main screen.

Troubleshooting this action type

Fields are missing when I try to set up the Automation

This can occur because the fields you're expecting to see are of a field-type that Dado does not expect. Contact and we'll upgrade your integration to add these missing field-types.

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