Google Workspace Integration


What can you do with a Dado <> Google Workspace integration?

The Dado <> Google Workspace Integration allows you to:

  • Import users from a spreadsheet
  • Write answers given during an Experience to spreadsheets
  • Upload files provided during an Experience to a Google Drive folder
  • Create Google Calendar events for Experience Participants
  • Invite Experience Participants to existing Google Calendar events

What data is exchanged between Dado and Google Workspace?

Dado's access to data in your Google Workspace is limited by the permissions granted to the user who sets up the integration (see "Create a dedicated Google Workspace account for Dado" below). For clarity, we'll refer to this as the "dedicated Google Workspace account" in the rest of this section.

As a consequence, it's easy to precisely define the access Dado has by configuring the integration user's permissions in Google Workspace's user management tool.

When all the requested scopes are granted (see list below), the following data from Google Workspace is accessible to Dado:

  • The email address of the dedicated Google Workspace account
  • Any files and folders in Google Drive which are viewable by the dedicated Google Workspace account
  • The name and membership of any Google Group which is viewable by the dedicated Google Workspace account
  • A full list of the calendars accessible by the dedicated Google Workspace account
  • The name, date & time, invitees and description of events in any calendars accessible to the dedicated Google Workspace account

When all the requested scopes are granted (see list below), the following data from Dado is accessible to Google Workspace:

  • User data that is configured to write to Google Sheets, via sub-task data destination settings (read more about this)
    • the data destination settings enable you to specify exactly which data is sent to Google Sheets
    • the only exception here is Dado's unique ID for that user, which will be sent along with any other data. This is a non-identifiable ID made of randomly generated numbers and symbols, such as "QZ2swz-LKJT"
  • Documents uploaded by users in response to 'Upload file' sub-tasks
    • this only applies if the sub-task settings are configured to send these files to Google Drive

Permissions and Scopes requested by Dado

Dado requests the OAuth Scopes listed below. Please allow all of these Permissions and Scopes, otherwise, the functionality of the integration will be compromised.

How to set up the Google Workspace integration

Activation of the integration depends on your organization-specific settings within the Google Suite and will likely require you to work together with your IT team.

1. Create a dedicated Google Workspace account for Dado

We recommend you authenticate with a dedicated Google Workspace account, which is only used for the purpose of Dado. This way you can grant permissions on a granular level to this one account, so that Dado can only access what's strictly necessary.

Request your IT Team set up a new Google Workspace account, e.g.

Requirements for this account

  • If your organization uses Google Groups:
    • Admin role: Groups Admin or both Groups Reader and Groups Editor
    • Drive and Calendar access permitted
  • If your organization does not use Google Groups:
    • No admin roles needed
    • Drive and Calendar access permitted
  • We recommend that the people managing Dado at your organization have the ability to log in to the email inbox of this account, to enable calendar set up (see Step 3 below)
    • if this is not possible, then the person who does have access to this account will need to be available to receive and respond to calendar permissions emails in the account's inbox

2. Set up the integration in Dado

  • Log into the dedicated Google Workspace account
  • Log into Dado as an Admin
  • Within Dado go to Settings > Integrations
  • You'll see a list of integration options. Click on “Google Workspace”
  • In the modal that appears, click “Sign in”.
    • If you have access to multiple Google accounts, Google will ask you to pick the account you want to connect with Dado.
  • You will be able to review the access scopes we’re asking for once more (see above for detailed descriptions of how we use each scope). For the integration to function correctly, you will need to allow all the scopes requested.

  • Click Allow and follow the remaining on-screen instructions by Dado.
  • You’ve successfully activated the Google Workspace integration!

3. Provide the dedicated Google Account with calendar access

In order for Dado to automate inviting people to calendar events, the Google account you created in Step 1 must have permissions on the relevant calendars (i.e. your "Onboarding Sessions" calendar).

  • First, share each relevant calendar with the dedicated Google account. Follow these instructions on how to share a calendar.
    • Grant the dedicated Google account "make changes and manage sharing" permissions for the calendar
  • Then the dedicated Google account must accept the share request(s). Do so by logging into this account's email inbox, opening the relevant email and clicking the 'Accept' button.

Find out which Google account is used by Dado

Your Google Workspace integration is most likely connected to Dado via a dedicated Google Workspace account made just for the sake of this integration. In some cases, the Google Workspace account of one of your Dado Admin users is used instead.

To check which account is being used for this:

  1. Go to Settings > Integrations
  2. Click on the Google Workspace tile. The integrator account will be listed in the modal, under 'email'

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