Introducing the Completion Drilldown report


When you're overseeing a process, you often want to get a quick overview of what's going on for all the people involved, and spot any emerging trouble spots. Dado's latest addition to our Reports section is designed to help you do just that.

The Completion Drilldown report shows you the birds-eye view of a particular experience, flagging completed and overdue tasks for each person involved.

This report is useful for:

  • Spotting trouble areas as they first start to develop – eg the new joiner who’s falling behind on their preboarding
  • Identifying individual supporting actors (like managers) who are struggling to keep up with their to-do list, so you can check in to see what’s wrong
  • Providing each member of support teams with a tailored view of the process that shows just the employees they’re looking after, and just the tasks they care most about

We didn't call it the 'Drilldown' report for nothing: it's also possible to dig deeper into the data. For instance, you can see a breakdown of tasks across one person's experience by assignee. That can help you work out why a process is going off track for a particular individual.

To dig deeper into how particular supporting actors are doing, you can easily switch the report to focus just on their tasks. For instance, you can see a rundown of which managers are completing most or least of their tasks on time:

And then drill down further to see the details for each of the experiences each manager is involved in:

You can use our advanced filter sidebar to make custom versions of this report. For instance, you could focus just on employees in particular departments or regions. Or if you have multiple team members supporting a process, each team member can filter the report to see just the employees they're looking after.

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