Using the Drilldown report to keep track of ongoing experiences

Dado's drilldown report is the best way to get an overview of what's going on with your active employee experiences, and identify where you might need to step in to support struggling employees.

Here are some suggestions for getting the most out of this report


Understanding the task grid

Every task in your selected experience is shown as a block on the grid, running left to right in the order that the tasks start. For experiences with a lot of tasks, you can scroll horizontally to see all the tasks.

Tasks are grouped by week, with gaps between each week. If your experience is anchored around a date (eg last or first day at work), this will be shown as a black line.

The color-coding shows the status of tasks:

Tasks that are not assigned to a particular person are shown in the lightest grey colour. This can happen for a number of reasons:

  • that task is assigned to a different role in the experience – for instance, the task is assigned to the employee's manager, not the employee themselves
  • that task is only for target audiences that this employee does not belong to – for instance, it's a task only for employees who are remote workers

Understanding the completion scores

The completion scores shows you how many tasks have been completed, out of all tasks in that experience.

If 1 out of the 10 tasks in an experience has been completed, that experience will be shown as 10% complete. If 5 out of 10 have been completed, then the percentage will be 50%.

The following are excluded from the completion calculation:

  • Skipped tasks: if a task is skipped in a particular employee's experience, it won't be included in the calculation.
  • Optional tasks: as long as these tasks are not completed, they are not included in the calculation. However, if the assignee completes them, they will be included in the calculation.
  • Tasks that do not apply to this employee's experience: for instance, if you have a task only for remote employees, it will not be included in the calculations for on-site employees.

The color-coding of the percentages indicates which experiences are on-track and which are getting off-track, because tasks are overdue and have not yet been completed. This helps you identify who might need additional support.

  • Green tells you that only one or two deadlines have been missed
  • Yellow indicates a few deadlines have been missed
  • Red indicates lots of deadlines have been missed
  • Grey indicates that no task deadlines have passed yet

In the example below, all three experiences are 40% complete. However, the number of overdue tasks is very different:

  • In Aïda's experience, no tasks are overdue, reflected in the green color-coding of the percentage
  • In Kirani's experience, a few tasks are overdue, so the percentage is shown as yellow
  • In Pamela's experience, a significant number of tasks are overdue, so the percentage is red

Filtering the report to get a customized view

When you first arrive on the Completion Drilldown report page, you're seeing all participants in the selected experience over the last three months. But it's also possible to slice that data down to get a different view of what's going on.

Any filters you apply are added to the URL of the page – that means you can apply your desired filters then just bookmark that page, or share the link with a colleague. When you open the bookmark/link, all your filters will still be applied!

Select an experience and timeframe

The first set of filters at the top of the page let you select

  • which experience you want to look at
    • currently, it's only possible to look at the drilldown report for one experinece at a time
  • which date period you want to look at
    • if your experience is oriented around a key date (like first day at work), this dropdown lets you choose a time period for that key date
    • if your experience isn't based around a key date, then you'll be able to select a time period in which people started the experience

Choose which roles in the experience to focus on

By default, the report will show you data on all the tasks in your selected experience. That means if you have an experience where the employee, their manager, HR and IT all have tasks, you'll see blocks for everyone's tasks in the task grid.

Each row will have a little chevron you can click to switch between seeing an overall view of the experience, or a view where the tasks are broken down by each role in the experience

It can be helpful to narrow down, however. Click on the Task Assignees dropdown to select just one role in the experience (eg just the managers, just the IT team) . Once you've clicked Apply the report will show you tasks for just that role.

If you select a supporting actor, you'll see the tasks for each person grouped together, across all the experiences they're involved in.

For instance, you can see two managers shown below: Cecilia, who is only involved in Sean's experience; and Owen, who is involved in three of his direct reports' experiences.

When you collapse these rows, you'll see an overall score and the overall status of that manager's tasks, across every experience they're involved in (within your selected timeframe).

How to focus down on specific tasks in the experience

If you care more about some tasks in the experience than others, you can filter down the report to just show those tasks.

Start by clicking the Add filter link. Then, in the sidebar that appears, click Task.

In the dropdown that appears, select the tasks you wish to see in your report. Then click Apply filters

How to drill down by department, location or any other employee data

You can filter the report to just show a particular department or location – or filter it on any data Dado has about your employees.

To apply this kind of filter, start by clicking the Add filter link. Then, in the sidebar that appears, click Data field.

In the dropdown, select the field you want to filter by. Then select the value(s) in that field. Finally, click Apply filters.

How to see the participants working with one particular supporting actor

Sometimes a team is supporting employees through an experience; and each team member would like a report focusing on just the employees they're working with. For instance, you could have several different trainers conducting trainings; or multiple compliance managers working to get new hires cleared to start work.

To create this kind of tailored report, start by clicking the Add filter link. Then, in the sidebar that appears, click Actor.

Then select which actor (role) in the experience you'd like to focus on; and then which specific individual(s) in that role. Finally click Apply filters.

How to change or remove filters

If you'd like to adjust the filtering on your report, start by clicking on the Filters link on the top right of the screen. You'll see a link at the bottom of the sidebar to Remove all filters.

Alternateively, you can change your selections for any filter.

If you want to remove a filter, click the trash can icon next to that filter. Don't forget to click Apply filters when you're done.

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