Automations: enrolling employees in another Dado experience


Pre-requisites for using 'Enroll in Experience' automation

This action requires you to have at least one other experience that is active in your Dado account.

The 'Enroll in experience' action

The Enroll in experience action can be used to enroll the participant already enrolled in one experience into another experience. This could be useful in the following situations:

  • Enable your people managers to opt their new hires into an accelerated or 'light' enrollment – for instance, if they are very senior, re-hires, or joining at very late notice. Send managers a task in which they can select this accelerated/light option. If they do, the Enroll in experience action automatically enrolls them in this alternative onboarding experience.
  • Ask your new hires if they're familiar with your core toolset, via an Select Option subtask. If they say they are not, the Enroll in experience action automatically enrolls them into a self-directed training experience.
  • If new joiners must complete essential compliance tasks before they can be cleared to start work, create a separate experience for this compliance preboarding. Task a compliance team member to confirm when all these prerequisites are complete and, as soon as they have confirmed this, the Enroll in experience action automatically enrolls the new joiner into your onboarding program.

The Enroll in experience action is used in one experience to trigger enrollment into another experience.

It does not replace the normal auto-enrollment rules you can set in any experience, to determine who will get automatically enrolled into that experience. Learn more about auto-enrollment rules in this help article.

1. Add a new automation to your timeline

In the Edit mode of your experience, click on a blank spot on the timeline, and select 'Automation' from the menu that appears.

2. Select the appropriate point in your experience to position the Enroll in experience action

Start by considering when the auto-enrollment should happen. You can set this in the Trigger Date section of the left hand column of the automation window.

For instance:

  • If the action should happen after the completion of another task, select After completion of another task, then in the dropdown select exactly which task.
  • If the action should happen at a fixed point in the experience (eg at the very end, on or the last day at work), select Fixed date and specify which day in the experience timeline.

3. Decide whether the Enroll in experience action should trigger for all participants, or only some

Do you want every single participant to be automatically enrolled in another experience, or just some of them?

If your answer is "only some of them", set up a target audience for your automation

For instance, let's consider some of the examples used above.

Scenario Which participants should be automatically enrolled How to set this up
People Managers are empowered to opt new joiners into an accelerated or 'light' enrollment – for instance, if they are very senior, re-hires, or joining at very late notice. Only the new joiners whose managers explicitly opt them in
  • Add a task for managers with a Select Option subtask, so managers choose between Normal and Fasttracked onboardings
  • Set up Data Destination for this subtask, so the manager's answer is stored in a Dado field. (Learn how)
  • Create your automation and set it to be triggered by the completion of the manager task (see Section 2 above)
  • Add a target audience to your audience, so it only triggers for new hires with 'Fast-tracked' in the new Dado field

4. Set up the Enroll in experience action

Drag the Enroll in experience action from the right hand column to the main section of your automation.

Then, in the right hand column, select the experience you want to enroll your participants in. Please note: this automation can only enroll participants in another experience.

If the experience you want to enroll people in has any supporting actors, you will also have the option to match the supporting actors in this experience with the supporting actors in the target experience. This can be helpful in situations like this:

  • Your new hires are enrolled in a compliance focused preboarding. As part of this preboarding, they are assigned an Onboarding Buddy by their manager
  • As soon as the new hire has completed all their preboarding tasks, an Enroll in experience action enrolls them into the Onboarding experience.
  • Their Onboarding Buddy has messages/tasks in Onboarding experience as well, so the Enroll in experience action matches the Buddy role in the Preboarding experience to the Buddy role in the Onboarding experience. This ensures the same person is automatically assigned as the new hire's buddy in their Onboarding experience – without the manager needing to nominate the buddy a second time.

Troubleshooting this action type

I see errors saying Participants can't be enrolled because they don't match the target experience's enrollment criteria

The Enroll in experience action cannot overrule the enrollment criteria set in the target experience. For instance, if your target experience has the enrollment criteria stating that only full-time employees can be enrolled, and your Enroll in experience action tries to enroll a contractor, this attempt will fail.

When this happens, consider whether you need to either

  • change the enrollment criteria in the target experience – for instance, maybe there are some exceptions to the "only full-time employees" rule
  • add a target audience to the automation, so it triggers only for participants who match the enrollment criteria of the target experience – eg it only triggers for full-time employees.,

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