Roles and Channels


For Tasks and Messages, it's possible to specify

  • the person to whom the Task/Message is assigned or sent
  • the person who appears as the Sender
  • the channel by which messages and reminders are sent

These settings are found in the left sides of the Task Editor ('Assignee and Sender' section) and the Message Editor ('Sender and Recipient').

Recipient or Assignee

Tasks and Messages can be sent or assigned to different people in your organization. The person receiving the task is referred to as the Task assignee or Message recipient. The default recipient/assignee in Dado is the Participant; this is the person that's enrolled in an experience. 

Assigning a Task or sending a Message to another role

You can set another role as the assignee or recipient. The most common use case is to assign a task to a Manager. To do so, start by adding a Supporting Actor to your experience. Then, click "Edit" in the 'Sender and Recipient' section of the Message Editor or the 'Assignee and Sender' section of the Task Editor.

Delivery channels

Channels define the way through which Tasks and Messages (and the associated reminders) are delivered. 

The default channel is Work Email. For Participants, two possible channels are pre-defined in Dado: Work email and Personal email. This allows you to e.g. communicate with a new hire before they received their company accounts.

Additional channels can be added by setting up integrations, e.g. Slack or MS Teams. A task can be delivered through multiple channels at the same time; to do so, simply check the different checkboxes for each channel you'd like to use.


It's also possible to customize who is shown as the sender of a Message or Task.

For Messages and Tasks delivered via email, you can set:

  • sender name (what appears in the recipient's inbox)
  • the reply-to email (when an employee replies to an email about this Task or Message, which address will receive this reply)

For Messages and Tasks delivered via instant message, it is not possible to customize the Slack/Teams user who sends the message.

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