Reports for Moments


Open and click reporting

After a moment is sent, the Moments index page shows real-time reporting of some key info:

  • Sent: number of moment successfully sent
  • Opens: how many recipients have opened the moment
    • Note: this is counted per recipient. If the same person opens the moment twice, it will still be counted as just 1 open
  • Clicks: how many recipients have clicked a link or subtask in the moment


You can also see a count of the number of moments that bounced. This number also includes any users to whom Dado couldn't sent the Moment, because they don't have a Work Email Address set in Dado.

Clicking on the number will open a modal giving you more details.

Sub-task reporting

Clicking 'Download report' will give you access to a CSV report, that includes the following info for each recipient:

  • which target audience they belonged to
  • when they last opened the moment
  • when they last clicked the moment
  • For each sub-task:
    • whether they have completed the sub-task
    • if the sub-task is an answer question/choose option sub-task: the information they submitted for this sub-task

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