Introducing automatic re-enrollments


It's now possible for you to re-enroll an employee in a Dado experience, after they've already gone through that experience. A common use-case for this is a contractor/intern/working student who is later hired as a full-time employee: they went through an initial onboarding, but now need to repeat some or all of the onboarding process.

Previously the Dado support team would have to do this for you – but now you can make this happen yourself, in one of two ways:

  • automatically, via an import
  • manually, using the updated enrollment modal

Automatic re-enrollments

Automatic re-enrollments work via the import process, very similarly to automatic first-time enrollments.

Let's take the example of how this would work for an experience that automatically enrolls people a few weeks before their first day at work:

  • The first day at work in your HRIS (or other import source) changes for the person in question
  • This new first day at work is detected by Dado in your next import

  • An import effect is displayed, allowing you to approve or reject the re-enrollment
    • We explicitly flag when this is a re-enrollment, just so it's crystal clear

  • If you approve this re-enrollment, Adriana's experience will be created as soon as you apply the import
  • And from here on it works exactly as normal for a first-time enrollment

Manual re-enrollments

Manually re-enrolling an employee works just the same as manually enrolling them for the first time: Click the Enroll button in the top right of your experience screen and select "Enroll manually" from the dropdown.

You can then use the manual enrollment modal to adjust their first day at work; change supporting actors; and/or skip some parts of their experience.

For instance, if they're an intern becoming a FTE, perhaps they already have a laptop and thus tasks/automations around requesting and issuing hardware are unnecessary.

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