Create a Calendar Event Sub-task


With this new Sub-task, you can prompt employees to set up a meeting with a particular agenda and attendees, at a suggested date and time.

When creating this Sub-task, you can specify some basic parameters for the meeting:

  • who should attend: you can specify both roles in the Experience (for instance, the Participant and their Manager); and email addresses
  • event title and description: this is a great way to suggest an agenda for the meeting
  • suggested date and time: this is specified in relation to the Experience start, or a milestone like the Participant's first/last day at work

When the employee receives this subtask, they can click to open a 'create event' screen in Google Calendar. On this screen they will be able to edit all the content listed above. This means they can, for instance, choose a more suitable date/time, and add additional attendees or meeting rooms to the event. The sub-task will complete when they open up this 'create meeting' screen.

This new Sub-task type is great for:

  • Setting up weekly/biweekly 1:1s for new hires with their Manager
  • Arranging intro meetings for new mentors and mentees at the start of a mentorship program
  • Scheduling regular check-ins as part of a performance improvement program
  • Prompting an HRBP to arrange a catch-up with a manager who has flagged some issues in response to an onboarding survey

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