Calendar Automation update: find events relative to employee's first day at work


Calendar Automations are one of Dado's most popular features, because of how much manual effort they save People teams. However, customers have told us these were a little complex to set up. So we've released an update to this feature that makes it easier to ensure your employees get added to the correct calendar events.

It's now possible to set up a Calendar Automation to find an event relative to a Participant milestone – for instance:

  • Find the first onboarding meeting after a new hire's first day at work
  • Find the 'onboarding feedback' session that happens in the second week at work
  • Find the training sessions that happen one week, two weeks and three weeks after the employee joins your training Experience

You can find these options in the right-hand panel when you're creating your Automations. For more guidance on setting up Calendar Automations, see this help article.

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