Content Blocks
As they name implies, Content blocks used to added content to your messages and tasks.
To add a content block, drag it from the right-side toolbar to the main task area.
Use this for short or long texts. You can add formatting by using the Markdown syntax. You can also view a quick reference of the most common markdown syntax directly in the editor by clicking the link "How to format text with Markdown" under the text entry box. For more advanced Markdown functionality, we recommend
Note: links created inside of text blocks don't have click / completion tracking. If you need to track visits to a link, use a Visit Subtask.
Use this for short headings that separate different text blocks or different parts of your task's content. There are no formatting options for Headings.
Allows you to add images to your task's content. It's possible to upload an image from your computer or link directly to an image hosted somewhere else (for example GIF providers such as Giphy, Tenor or others).
Once you've uploaded or linked an image, it will display in the task preview area at the center. You can choose the width of the image from 20% to 100% of the available size. For images narrower than 100%, it's possible to set their alignment to left, right or center.
Note: due to limitations in the way Slack displays images, the width and alignment parameters do not apply to Slack. Images in Slack will always be full width.