Making changes to your Dado experience before launch
If you've opted for our Employee Experience Design & Implementation Service, the first draft of your experience will be built by our Product Specialists.
However, you're the expert on your own processes, so you'll surely want to make some tweaks to the experience before launching. This article guides you through the most common changes you'll want to make at this stage.
If you get stuck or want to make more comprehensive changes, reach out to your Customer Success Manager and they will guide you through it.
- General guidelines to editing your experience
- Changing the text in a Task or Message
- Changing the images in a Task or Message
- Adding a new block to a Task or Message
- Changing the options in a Select Option subtask
- Changing the notification channels for a Task or Message
- Changing the reminder settings for a Task
- Changing the deadline for a Task
- Changing the start/send date for a Task or Message
- Changing which parts of a Task or Message are assigned to a Target Audience
General guidelines to editing your experience
View mode and edit mode
Your experience has a 'view mode' and an 'edit mode'. You will need to enter edit mode to make changes. You can do this two ways.
Either click the edit button on the top right of the page in view mode, then select 'Timeline' in the left hand navigation.
Or click on any timeline item, then click the edit button in the top right of that window
One person editing at a time
Dado works best when only 1 person is actively editing an experience at once. If two people are editing at the same time, you risk accidentally overwriting each other’s changes.
Save regularly, at all levels
When you are the person editing the experience, we recommend you save your work regularly. You should save the changes you make to each task/message/automation; and then save the changes to the experience. Be sure to save at all levels.
Changing the text in a Task or Message
Open the Message or Task you'd like to change, in edit mode. Click on the text you'd like to edit in the middle section. This will open up an editable version of that text in the right section.
Don't forget you can add variables to personalize this content – and don't forget to save when you've made your changes!
Changing the images in a Task or Message
Open the Message or Task you'd like to change, in edit mode. Click on the image you'd like to edit in the middle section. This will open up edit options in the right section. This is where you can replace the image; change its size or alignment.
Don't forget to save when you've made your changes!
Adding a new block to a Task or Message
Tasks and Messages are built up of blocks of two kinds:
- Content blocks, like text, headings or images
- These can be used in both Tasks and Messages
- Sub-tasks, like Visit Link, Confirm Action, Upload File and more
- These can only be used in Tasks
To add a new content or sub-task block to your Task/Message, start by open the Message or Task you'd like to change, in edit mode.
Then drag the relevant block from the right section, over to where you'd like the new block in the preview that appears in the middle section.
Once you've positioned the item in the middle, options to edit its content/settings will appear in the right section.
Changing the options in a Select Option subtask
Open the Message or Task you'd like to change, in edit mode. Click on the sub-task you'd like to edit in the middle section. This will open up edit options in the right section.
Here you can change the text of existing options, delete options or add new options. Please note: when you add a new option, you'll need to hit return to confirm the addition.
You can also switch between the sub-task being a single-select, or a multi-select, using the Allow multiple answers toggle.
Don't forget to save when you've made your changes!
Options in this kind of sub-task are often used for Target Audiences later in the experience. Please check with your Customer Success Manager when you make changes here, so they can update any Target Audiences as necessary.
Changing the notification channels for a Task or Message
Open the Message or Task you'd like to change, in edit mode. In the left section, find the Assignee and Sender or Recipient and Sender sub-section, and click the Edit link.
The left section will now show options for selecting different assignee/recipient, and different channels.
Don't forget to save when you've made your changes!
Changing the reminder settings for a Task
Open the Task you'd like to change, in edit mode. In the left section, find the Reminders sub-section, and click the Edit link.
The left section will now show options for sending reminders. You can set pre-deadline, on-deadline or post-deadline reminders. For post-deadline reminders, you can customize:
- how often the reminders are sent, eg once every 3 days, or every day
- how many reminders will be sent in total, eg 5
Don't forget to save when you've made your changes!
Changing the deadline for a Task
Open the Task you'd like to change, in edit mode. In the left section, find the Start and Deadline sub-section, and click the Edit link.
Lower down in the left section you'll see the Deadline settings.
Don't forget to save when you've made your changes!
Changing the start/send date for a Task or Message
The start/send of Task and Messages can either be triggered by the completion of a preceding task, or set on specific relative date on the timeline, eg 5 days after the experience starts.
When a Task or Message has a specific start date, you can drag the Task/Message on the timeline to set a different start-date.
You can also open the edit settings for the Task/Message to change either a specific start date, or which task triggers the start.
Open the Task you'd like to change, in edit mode. In the left section, find the Start and Deadline sub-section, and click the Edit link. You'll see 2 options: Fixed Date or After completion of a task.
Don't forget to save when you've made your changes!
Changing which parts of a Task or Message are assigned to a Target Audience
To change the content assigned to a Target Audience, start by opening the Task you'd like to change, in edit mode. In the left section, find the Target Audience sub-section, and click the Edit link.
Find the audience you'd like to change and click the Edit link in the bottom left of that section.
If you'd like to hide a block currently shown for this audience
- Hover over a content block in the middle section. You'll see three green buttons appear.
- Click Hide block.
- Click Save changes in the left hand column, then save the task/message, and the experience as usual.
If you'd like to show a block currently hidden for this audience:
The process for showing a block is similar, with an extra step at the start:
- Scroll down in the left section until you find the Show blocks hidden for this audience toggle. Switch this on, to show the content currently hidden for this audience, greyed out.
- Hover over a greyed-out content block int he middle section. You'll see three green buttons appear.
- Click Show block.
- Click Save changes in the left hand column, then save the task/message, and the experience as usual.