Tasks: Task Settings

Task Settings is the area where you can define the main properties of your Task such as its title, timing, reminders, and more. It's located on the left side of the Task Editor.


The title of the Task is visible to the recipient in different places such as their Personal Experience page, the Task email subject line and in Reminders. We suggest using a short name that makes it clear what they are supposed to achieve.

Assignee and Sender

Here you can set who should receive the Task and the channel through which they will receive it. For detailed information, see this article about assigning tasks and roles.

You can also specify sender details, if these should diverge from the defaults set for your experience. These settings will only apply for tasks and messages send via email – not via Slack or Teams. You can specify a sender name, and a reply-to address. It is not possible to specify which address emails are sent from.

Instead of specifying a consistent name and email address, it is also possible to use variables, so that the sender name and reply-to address are set to a particular supporting actor. For instance, you can make a particular task or message come from the employee's manager, or the member of the IT team supporting them.

For Tasks and Messages sent to roles other than the Participant, you have the option of choosing whether notifications are sent once per Participant, or once per Cohort. This feature can help reduce the 'noise' from notifications for Supporting Actors who work with large cohorts. For more about these two options, see our article on notification batching.

Start and Duration

Decide when the recipient will be sent the Task email or message. This date is counted relative to the start of the Experience and can be specified in days or weeks.

At the same time, specify how long the recipient will have to complete the Task. This duration is counted relative to the Task start time and can be specified in days or weeks. Note: days are always counted as 24h intervals. If a Task starts at 9AM, its deadline will also be at 9AM.

Adding a custom start time

Allows you to specify at what time of day a Task should be sent. If not specified, the Task is sent at a time matching the time the Experience starts, which was entered when creating the Experience.

Target Audiences

This section enables you to customize the contents of the Task for different recipients. You can specify different Content Blocks and Sub-tasks based on criteria you choose, such as the recipient's department, location or start date. In addition, in this section you can set different Completion Criteria for different Audiences. For more about this feature, read the Target Audiences article.


Two kinds of reminders can be set for every Task: those sent before the deadline and those sent afterward.

You can specify how many pre-deadline reminders to be sent, and how many days or weeks before the deadline they will be sent. There is a limit of one reminder per day. Reminders will only be sent until the user has completed that Task. 

You can only set one type of post-deadline reminder. However, it has multiple options:

  • Remind once: a single reminder will be sent once the Task is late. You can choose whether to send on the day of the deadline (i.e. immediately after the Task becomes late) or at a later date.
  • Remind every X days: reminders will be sent regularly at the specified time interval until the person completes the Task. If you set this to 1 day, the person will be reminded every day

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