Extra formatting options for Moments


Inspired by feedback from our wonderful Moments beta users, we've added some extra formatting options for Moments to help you bring more visual interest, and make key info stand out.


Callouts of different colours give you a range of way to draw attention to different parts of your message, whether it's an FYI, warning or something urgent.

Multiple heading sizes

Headings help to break up longer content and help recipients get an overview of the topics mentioned in the Moment.

This option is also available in Text and Heading blocks in Experience Tasks and Messages

Text alignment

Any block containing text can now be aligned left, center or right, just like you align images.

This option is also available in Text and Heading blocks in Experience Tasks and Messages

Two column layouts

Finally, you can now arrange your content in multiple columns.

What else would be useful?

Is there another kind of formatting or layout option that would make Moments even more useful for you? If so, let us know at help@dadohr.com.

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